Say hello to Wal-Mart. Staples. Dollar Tree. McDonalds and Burger King.
Say goodbye to the fun little trinket shops. Oddities and knick-knacks one could only find in those unique little stores that are now fading away. Handcrafted souvenirs made by the locals.
Say hello to mass-market junk. Say hello to products, where cheap not only means the price but the poor quality.
Say goodbye to America as it used to be.
I mourn the loss of Small Town America. I mourn the loss of freedom, for America is no longer free, if we continue to sell ourselves out for the lowest priced junk (all made out of the country and taking our jobs away). Our jobs disappear with every foreign made product we purchase. We make the decisions whether our brother will keep his job, whether our sister will be able to find a job. Is your best friend’s livelihood worth you saving a dollar, or even a dime by buying products made elsewhere?

I chatted with a few of the nonhuman locals today, too. What a raucous crew aboard that little floating dock. It seems they don’t like it when their little world gets out of balance, either.

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