Approach life gently. Treat life kindly. Live life fully and with enthusiasm.
Respect life--always.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blessings Abound


Have you ever stopped to consider how often the blessings of God grace your life? How everything, even the simplest of things, has been touched by His hand?

Have you stopped to study the intricacy of a single bloom?


Or stood silently in awe as a great egret took flight?



Or marveled at the glow of the approaching sunset? God can even take LA’s pollution and make it beautiful.



These are but a few outward examples of His love for us. For He also gave us friendship and love, laughter and tears, compassion and forgiveness.

The blessings in my own life are too numerous to count. All day long, I praise His Holy Name for giving me glimpses of heaven.

All of this, I witness and find joy in, not in spite of my pain and illness, but because of it. For through my struggles, He has taught me much, and I am ever grateful.

Where can you find blessings today?


Jenni and Ken

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